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Scale Class
A scale value of 1 indicates normal play or record at the normal forward viewing rate. If not 1, the value corresponds to the rate with respect to normal viewing rate. For example, a ratio of 2 indicates twice the normal viewing rate ("fast forward") and a ratio of 0.5 indicates half the normal viewing rate. In other words, a ratio of 2 has normal play time increase at twice the wallclock rate. For every second of elapsed (wallclock) time, 2 seconds of content will be delivered. A negative value indicates reverse direction.
Unless requested otherwise by the Speed parameter, the data rate SHOULD not be changed. Implementation of scale changes depends on the server and media type. For video, a server may, for example, deliver only key frames or selected key frames. For audio, it may time- scale the audio while preserving pitch or, less desirably, deliver fragments of audio.
The server should try to approximate the viewing rate, but may restrict the range of scale values that it supports. The response MUST contain the actual scale value chosen by the server.
If the request contains a Range parameter, the new scale value will take effect at that time.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: StreamCoders.Rtsp
Assembly: MediaBase (in MediaBase.dll) Version: (
public class Scale : BaseHeader

The Scale type exposes the following members.

Public methodScale
Public propertyContent
Gets or sets the content.
Public propertyHeaderType
Gets or sets the type of the RTSP header.
(Inherited from BaseHeader.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodCopyOverloaded.
Creates a copy of the object.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
Public Extension MethodCopy(Object)Overloaded.
Creates a deep copy of the object using the supplied object as a target for the copy operation.
(Defined by ObjectExtensions.)
See Also