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ImageTools Methods

The ImageTools type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberBitmapToRgb24
Converts a 24-bit bitmap to PictureMediaBuffer.
Public methodStatic memberGrayAbsoluteDifference
Calculates absolute difference abs(X1(ij) - X2(ij)) between two gray scale images.
Public methodStatic memberGrayDilation
Dilates a gray scale picture using a 3x3 kernel matrix.
Public methodStatic memberGrayErosion
Applies erosion on a 8-bit gray scale image.
Public methodStatic memberGrayGaussBlur3x3
Applies 3x3 Gaussian blur on a 8-bit gray scale image.
Public methodStatic memberGrayMedian
Applies 3x3 media filter on a 8-bit gray scale image.
Public methodStatic memberGrayPrewittHorizontal
Applies horizontal Prewitt filter on a 8-bit gray scale image. The kernel size is 3x3.
Public methodStatic memberGrayPrewittVertical
Applies vertical Prewitt filter on a 8-bit gray scale image. The kernel size is 3x3.
Public methodStatic memberGraySobelHorizontal
Applies horizontal Sobel filter on a 8-bit gray scale image. The kernel size is 3x3.
Public methodStatic memberGraySobelVertical
Applies vertical Sobel filter on a 8-bit gray scale image. The kernel size is 3x3.
Public methodStatic memberGrayThreshold(PictureMediaBuffer, Byte)
Sets pixels to 0 when they are greater than a threshold value.
Public methodStatic memberGrayThreshold(PictureMediaBuffer, Byte, Byte, CompareMethod)
Sets pixels to a new value when they are greater than a threshold value.
Public methodStatic memberGrayToRgb24
Converts an 8-bit gray scale image to a 24-bit image.
Public methodStatic memberGrayWeightedSum
Calculates weighted sum where (BufferX1 * alpha) + (BufferX2 * (1-alpha)). The result of the function is stored in BufferX2.
Public methodStatic memberMirrorRgb24
Mirrors a 24-bit RGB picture.
Public methodStatic memberResizeRgb24
Resizes a 24-bit RGB picture.
Public methodStatic memberRgb16_565_ToRgb24
Converts a 16-bit RGB-565 image to RGB-24 bit image.
Public methodStatic memberRgb24AbsoluteDifference
Calculates the absolute difference between two 24-bit images.
Public methodStatic memberRgb24ToBitmap(PictureMediaBuffer)
Converts a PictureMediaBuffer to an RGB 24-bit Bitmap (System.Drawing.Imaging.Bitmap)
Public methodStatic memberRgb24ToBitmap(MediaBufferByte, Int32, Int32)
Public methodStatic memberRgb24ToGray
Converts a RGB-24 bit image to 8-bit gray scale.
Public methodStatic memberRgb24ToRgb32
Converts a raw RGB-24 bitmap to RGB-32.
Public methodStatic memberRgb32ToRgb24
Converts a raw RGB-32 bitmap to RGB-24.
Public methodStatic memberYuvToRgb24
Public methodStatic memberYUY2ToRgb24
Converts a YUY2 composite to RGB-24 bit image.
Public methodStatic memberYV12ToRgb24
See Also