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RtspTrackInfo Fields

The RtspTrackInfo type exposes the following members.

Public fieldChannelId
Sets the ChannelId ID if TCP interleaving is used.
Public fieldInterleavePresent
Indicates whether the server response (Setup-200) included TCP interleave information. If this feature was requested by the client setup, then this field indicates whether the server supports this feature.
Public fieldMediaAttribute
Contains the SDP media attribute selected for this particular track.
Public fieldMulticastGroupRtcpEndpoint
In case of multicast stream setup, this will contain the RTCP Group IP:port pair.
Public fieldMulticastGroupRtpEndpoint
In case of multicast stream setup, this will contain the RTP Group IP:port pair.
Public fieldMulticastPresent
Indicates whether the server response (Setup-200) included multicast information. If this feature was requested by the client setup, then this field indicates whether the server supports this feature.
Public fieldSdpSessionOwnerAddress
Contains the address of the SDP session owner.
Public fieldSyncSource
The Ssrc (synchronization source) of the sender.
Public fieldSyncSourceProvided
Indicates whether a valid SyncSource was received.
Public fieldTrackUrl
Sets the Track ID.
Public fieldUdpRtcpServerPort
Server side UDP/RTCP port if UDP unicast mode.
Public fieldUdpRtpServerPort
Server side UDP/RTP port if UDP unicast mode.
See Also